The ability to work with others in any situation. Bringing together the knowledge and skills of others and considering their ability and experience. Collaborating with others to achieve a common goal.


20-30 Minutes Group Teamwork Communication Reliability Responsibility Learning Objective(s) The group learns to work together Everyone of the group needs to help Focus is necessary

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Poison River

30 Minutes Group Teamwork Communication Reliability Problem Solving Learning Objective(s) Students learn to listen Students communicate properly Students learn to make a plan Students work

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Who Owns the Zebra?

50 Minutes Group Resilience Communication Teamwork Problem Solving Learning Objective(s) The purpose of the activity is for all participants to get a chance to reflect

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Silent Communication

20-30 Minutes Group Communication Teamwork Learning Objective(s) Getting to know the group. Communicating without talking. Working towards common goals. Instructions Ask the group to stand

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The Puzzle

30 Minutes Group Adaptability Problem Solving Communication Teamwork Learning Objective(s) Solve a problem as a group while keeping verbal communication to a minimum. Instructions This

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30 minutes Group Communication Teamwork Responsibility Learning Objective(s) Individually: Focus, concentration As a group: Communication, working together Keeping the overview Instructions 2 moderators Divide into

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Cup Stacking

10-40 Minutes Group Teamwork Communication Resilience Problem Solving Adaptability Reliability Learning Objective(s) Work as a team using the resources given to stack the cups into

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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

30+ Minutes Group Communication Teamwork Resilience Problem Solving Responsibility Learning Objective(s) To encourage participants to communicate effectively to complete a task whilst under pressure and

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The Guessing Game

30-60 Minutes Group Communication Reliability Resilience Problem Solving Teamwork Learning Objective(s) Boost communication skills and show the importance and practicality of open ended questions. Rather

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Egg Drop

15-30 Minutes Group Adaptability Communication Teamwork Problem Solving Responsibility Learning Objective(s) To enable learners to demonstrate their adaptability to a problem or situation. It is

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Sinking Ship

30-90 Minutes Group Teamwork Adaptability Communication Responsibility Learning Objective(s) promote effective communication, adaptability, teamwork and debating skills. The aim is to find the most useful

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