- Hide all the item cards around the room whilst learners aren’t there. Then lay out a boat shape on the floor using string.
- Tell the group that they will be taking part in a sinking ship scenario.
- Read out the sinking ship scenario.
- Learners set off one at a time to find an item and bring it back to the group. The group will then decide whether it is a valuable survival item and keep or discard it. (once its discarded you cannot have it back).
- Remind the group that they need to find all items and decide which 5 to keep in 20 minutes. Reminding them that must all agree on what to take before they move on.
You and your crew mates have been enjoying a leisurely cruise through the Philippines, when all of a sudden, the ship strikes some hidden rocks. Panicking the captain calls all the crew to the lifeboat, to abandon ship. He quickly explains that there is an island nearby that you could survive on. You remember passing this island a few days ago, at the time you noticed that there was no sign of civilization, but you did see some game animals drinking at a small stream. He sends you and the other crew members to collect items that could help you survive on the island; you don’t know how long you are going to be there for. The captain estimates that you will only be able to bring 5 items along with you in the lifeboat. Lastly, he tells you that everyone must be on the boat with the items you want within 20 minutes.
Good luck.
Collecting and sharing student results
Learners will write a use for each item they salvaged along with ordering them into a list of most important to least important.
- Hide all the item cards around the room whilst learners aren’t there. Then lay out a boat shape on the floor using string.
- Tell the group that they will be taking part in a sinking ship scenario.
- Read out the sinking ship scenario.
- Learners set off one at a time to find an item and bring it back to the group. The group will then decide whether it is a valuable survival item and keep or discard it. (once its discarded you cannot have it back).
- Remind the group that they need to find all items and decide which 5 to keep in 20 minutes. Reminding them that must all agree on what to take before they move on.
You and your crew mates have been enjoying a leisurely cruise through the Philippines, when all of a sudden, the ship strikes some hidden rocks. Panicking the captain calls all the crew to the lifeboat, to abandon ship. He quickly explains that there is an island nearby that you could survive on. You remember passing this island a few days ago, at the time you noticed that there was no sign of civilization, but you did see some game animals drinking at a small stream. He sends you and the other crew members to collect items that could help you survive on the island; you don’t know how long you are going to be there for. The captain estimates that you will only be able to bring 5 items along with you in the lifeboat. Lastly, he tells you that everyone must be on the boat with the items you want within 20 minutes.
Good luck.
Collecting and sharing student results
Learners will write a use for each item they salvaged along with ordering them into a list of most important to least important.
Assessment Methods
- Observation
- Discussion
- Reflection
Resources needed
- A room to hide items (cards with pictures on)
- the list of items
- String, pens and paper.