30 minutes Group Teamwork Communication Reliability Responsibility Learning Objective(s) The group learns to work together Everyone of the group needs to help Focus is necessary
Activities taking 30 minutes or less
30 minutes Group Teamwork Communication Reliability Responsibility Learning Objective(s) The group learns to work together Everyone of the group needs to help Focus is necessary
30 minutes Group Teamwork Communication Reliability Problem Solving Learning Objective(s) Students learn to listen Students communicate properly Students learn to make a plan Students work
5-20 Minutes Group Resilience Communication Adaptability Learning Objective(s) To help people understand that we all hear and interpret things differently, even if we are all
30 minutes One to one Group Responsibility Adaptability Communication Learning Objective(s) Reflecting on the responsibility you have for your own preconceptions. The importance of not
20-30 Minutes One to one Group Teamwork Communication Responsibility Learning Objective(s) Reflecting on reliability, both your own and others’. Instructions Read the situations and answer
20-30 Minutes Group Communication Teamwork Learning Objective(s) Getting to know the group. Communicating without talking. Working towards common goals. Instructions Ask the group to stand
10-30 Minutes One to one Group Resilience Adaptability Problem Solving Learning Objective(s) The aim of the game is to stack the discs on one of
10-20 Minutes One to one Group Problem Solving Adaptability Resilience Learning Objective(s) Learners to demonstrate problem solving skills and use their decisiveness. There is only
5-10 Minutes Group Communication Adaptability Learning Objective(s) This is an activity to show the importance body language plays in everyday communication. Instructions Tell the participants
15-30 Minutes Group Adaptability Communication Teamwork Problem Solving Responsibility Learning Objective(s) To enable learners to demonstrate their adaptability to a problem or situation. It is